9 Key Items for Your Dog’s First Aid Kit Hunter Stedman, June 10, 2024 Whether you have a dog who likes sleeping on the couch or hiking in the mountains, you should always be ready to take on any accidents. Every time you are prepared, you can also deal with emergencies calmly and effectively. To be in such a position, you need to have certain essential items in your first aid kit, which will help you tackle all kinds of urgencies. Here are 9 of the most essential items to keep in the first-aid kit for your dogs. Bandage supplies are one of the most important items to keep in your dog’s first aid kit. You can take the help of stuff like gauze, clean rags, and even a sock to be used as a bandage material for controlling bleeding. You can also keep a non-adhesive vet wrap in the first aid kit since it does not stick to the dog’s hair and is easier to remove as well. Duct tapes are also excellent for holding temporary wraps or splints. Using a pet-safe wipe, spray or ointment on your dog’s wound can reduce the risk of infections. Also, the wipe or spray will help clean the wound before wrapping it with a bandage. However, ask your veterinarian before applying anything to your dog’s wound at home. It would be extremely difficult for you to cut gauze, splints, or any other type of bandage material without the help of scissors. Consider buying a specially designed scissor or shears with a blunt tip that lets you remove bandaging without accidentally cutting your dog’s skin. If you feel that any foreign objects or irritating substances have gone into your dog’s eyes, you can try using a saline eye wash to rinse the eye. Just apply liberally and flush the eyes until all the debris is removed. You can also keep eye lubrication in your first aid kit so that you can soothe your pet’s eyes after using the eye wash. Having a thermometer helps in determining if your dog has a fever or is hypothermic (the normal body temperature for a dog or cat is approximately 99.5-102.5°F). Also, veterinarians generally recommend that the temperature be taken rectally, as it reflects your pet’s core body temperature. To insert it easily, keep a petroleum or water-based lubricant in your first aid kit. Feeding your dogs some delicious treats is a great way to relax and distract an injured pet. This is especially beneficial during bandaging, as it can soothe stress-filled first-aid situations. However, do not feed those dogs who are vomiting, unable to pets who are vomiting, unable to swallow normally or having seizures. Nail Clippers and Styptic Powder A pair of dog-nail clippers is an excellent addition to any pet first-aid kit, as dogs breaking their nails is a common emergency. Nail clippers can be used to cut a dangling nail, till your vet arrives to deal with the situation proactively. Also, a styptic powder can be used to stop bleeding from your dog’s nail if it has been broken or cut too close to the quick. Apart from wounds, stomach issues are one of the most common causes of acute illnesses in dogs and cats. If your dog is facing vomiting, diarrhoea, or is refusing to eat, you should contact your vet immediately. They will recommend a probiotic supplement, depending on your dog’s digestive issue. Prebiotics are a great way to relieve your dogs from digestive problems. Pain can make even the sweetest dog in the world bite and snap. This is why you need a dog muzzle in your dog’s first aid kit, one that fits your dog appropriately. It will help you to prevent being bitten by your dog when you are administering first-aid to them. Final Say, You have seen 9 essential items to be kept in your pet’s first aid kit. Remember that you should check the first aid kit every six months for any replacements or updates. Being prepared before time will tremendously help you to meet all kinds of emergencies proactively. Source link Pet News